The present state of America makes me sick. It actually makes me nauseous to ponder how far this once magnificent nation has slipped into mediocrity. When I was a young man, fifty or sixty years ago, you could mention just about anything: And America was best at that. Back then; America enjoyed the best Health Care, the best Schools, and the best working conditions on Earth, while we worked fewer hours, made more money, and enjoyed a life style never before seen upon this Planet.
Our coal mines were producing more coal, our steel-mills smelting more iron, and our assembly-lines led the World in the manufacture of beautiful automobiles, refrigerators, wash-machines, dryers, and the hoard of smaller appliances and gadgets (which eliminated most of the drudgery of our daily chores) and introduced mankind to the life-of-ease, we all now enjoy. We led the World in space exploration, had the Earth’s finest highway system, fastest air travel, mightiest railroads, and were led by men of magnificent vision. Nearly every President set aside at least some small park or game refuge, and all endeavored to make America excel, in every way they could. And I cannot remember one word ever being said about America being in debt.
Now, though we rarely lead the World in anything, we can still claim one abominable title: America has become the World's Biggest Debtor Nation. Our National debt exceeds $14,625,000,000,000.00, that fourteen trillion, six hundred and fifty billion + dollars, (as of the first of August 15, 2011.) To put that number in perspective, we now owe over $47,000.00 for every legal man, woman and child in America. [That is over $130,000.00 owed by every tax payer.] Talk about selling your children into slavery, no other country has ever, so unconscionably encumbered their descendants. We are indubitably the Earth’s, Number One, all time, Debtor. And we can be sure this distinction shall remain with America. No other nation should ever, has ever, or will ever, even come close to owing this amount.
We are not doing so great with Health Care either: Have you been told that America has the best Health Care System in the World? The truth: According to The World Health Organization: We rank thirty-seventh, well below all other Industrial Nations. [One person told me that ‘WHO’ was just a left-wing Political Organization trying to discredit America’s Health System.](If you can find any connection between the ‘WHO’ and America, please let me hear from you.)
Life expectancy in the U.S. has fallen to, an unbelievable forty-second place in the World. One more new head line; “Dubious Ranking on the net:” The US worse than 40 other countries in new born deaths. We have a greater percentage of our babies die, before than they are a year old, than thirty-nine other nations.
Can you stand still more bad news? Our schools are failing miserably: Now, American High School Graduates rank only average, or below (whether tested in Mathematics, World History, Language, Science or any other critical field of expertise) and compared with the test scores of students from the other industrialized nations. The three-yearly OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) report, which compares the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds in 70 countries around the world, ranked the United States 14th out of 34 OECD countries for reading skills, 17th for science and a below average, 25th out of 34 OECD countries, in mathematics. Twenty-fifth is absolutely horrible; unacceptable. I do hope you understand: There is no way America can remain a World leader, with the present, pitiful condition, of our education system.
Every day our Republican and Democratic Party Lords work at enacting bills, which cedes one International Conglomerate after another some financial quid pro quo, for Pac-money received. And nearly all concessions to Mega Businesses, or some other Country, prove to be detrimental to America's working people. Every day, they are in session, our corrupt Politicians continue to cede more and more tax breaks, money, to the World’s Richest.
Medical Cartels and Drug Companies, with their unchallenged power, have manipulated our US Government into giving them a license to rob us. Some of the very same drugs you are buying at your pharmacy can be bought in other countries for as little as ten percent of what you are paying for them. If our Pharmaceutical Retail Companies were allowed to shop for drugs on the World market, we could buy all of our drugs, on average, for about twenty-five percent of what we are now being gouged. Now the Politicians, owned by the Drug Companies, will scream: “Oh we couldn’t do that. We would have no quality control.” That falsehood has been their argument for decades, and it has worked, has kept us from importing reasonable priced drugs. But it is a scam. We could, easily hire enough competent inspectors, and have all imported drugs checked for quality. Foreign Manufacturers would be glad to pick up the costs. I hope you believe there is a dire connection between America’s reduced longevity, poor infant survival, and our Drug Cartels insatiable greed.
Sad to say, but the Medical Cartels and Drug Companies, with their unchained power, are not the worst villains when it comes to manipulating our US Government into giving them a license to steal from us. The International Oil and Gas Conglomerates, the Interstate Utility Companies, Railroad Cartels, automobile and airplane manufacturing companies, the Cable Companies, International Shipping Cartels and a score of other business concerns all wield as much or more power over our Congress, Senate and President, than do the drug companies. All Big Business Conglomerates are our real enemy. Big Business Graft controls both our National and State Governments, and Big Business Graft is the real reason America is losing ground on all fronts, the reason America is slowly, but steadily, sliding into mediocrity.
The companies mentioned above, along with a hoard of other mighty forces, including a score of Internationally Recognized Countries, like North Korea, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and a dozen more, funnel billions of dollars annually into Washington, and oblige our Republican and Democratic Party Leaders to legislate on their behave. And nearly all graft, creates legislation, harmful to us, harmful to the middle class.
I believe most people in America, old enough to vote, know that corruption is flourishing in our Nation's Capital. Yet incredibly, this knowledge seems to generate very little real concern, when it should dramatically alarm every American. The insatiable greed, of Billionaire Conglomerates, and Millionaire Manipulators, is like a growing cancer, sucking the life-blood out of our Nation. Even if we could elect legislators, which prudently budgeted America's great wealth: It would still take our children, forty years to pay off the incredible debts, we have recklessly accumulated. We must take the power away from Washington’s Political Cartels, to the extent that it enables our elected representatives to vote the way we tell them to vote: Or in another dozen years you are not going to be able to tell the difference between Washington and the corrupt Government of Mexico, or for that matter, tell the difference between Mexico and America.
You're still not concerned? Well let me relate one more fact: If America's lenders get nervous, and start cutting off our credit, our government will disintegrate, beyond resurrection, in a year, or two. Soup-lines, power outages, riots, fires, violence, hunger and sickness will become the miserable end; of what was once the greatest Nation on Earth, the United States of America.
Our coal mines were producing more coal, our steel-mills smelting more iron, and our assembly-lines led the World in the manufacture of beautiful automobiles, refrigerators, wash-machines, dryers, and the hoard of smaller appliances and gadgets (which eliminated most of the drudgery of our daily chores) and introduced mankind to the life-of-ease, we all now enjoy. We led the World in space exploration, had the Earth’s finest highway system, fastest air travel, mightiest railroads, and were led by men of magnificent vision. Nearly every President set aside at least some small park or game refuge, and all endeavored to make America excel, in every way they could. And I cannot remember one word ever being said about America being in debt.
Now, though we rarely lead the World in anything, we can still claim one abominable title: America has become the World's Biggest Debtor Nation. Our National debt exceeds $14,625,000,000,000.00, that fourteen trillion, six hundred and fifty billion + dollars, (as of the first of August 15, 2011.) To put that number in perspective, we now owe over $47,000.00 for every legal man, woman and child in America. [That is over $130,000.00 owed by every tax payer.] Talk about selling your children into slavery, no other country has ever, so unconscionably encumbered their descendants. We are indubitably the Earth’s, Number One, all time, Debtor. And we can be sure this distinction shall remain with America. No other nation should ever, has ever, or will ever, even come close to owing this amount.
We are not doing so great with Health Care either: Have you been told that America has the best Health Care System in the World? The truth: According to The World Health Organization: We rank thirty-seventh, well below all other Industrial Nations. [One person told me that ‘WHO’ was just a left-wing Political Organization trying to discredit America’s Health System.](If you can find any connection between the ‘WHO’ and America, please let me hear from you.)
Life expectancy in the U.S. has fallen to, an unbelievable forty-second place in the World. One more new head line; “Dubious Ranking on the net:” The US worse than 40 other countries in new born deaths. We have a greater percentage of our babies die, before than they are a year old, than thirty-nine other nations.
Can you stand still more bad news? Our schools are failing miserably: Now, American High School Graduates rank only average, or below (whether tested in Mathematics, World History, Language, Science or any other critical field of expertise) and compared with the test scores of students from the other industrialized nations. The three-yearly OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) report, which compares the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds in 70 countries around the world, ranked the United States 14th out of 34 OECD countries for reading skills, 17th for science and a below average, 25th out of 34 OECD countries, in mathematics. Twenty-fifth is absolutely horrible; unacceptable. I do hope you understand: There is no way America can remain a World leader, with the present, pitiful condition, of our education system.
Every day our Republican and Democratic Party Lords work at enacting bills, which cedes one International Conglomerate after another some financial quid pro quo, for Pac-money received. And nearly all concessions to Mega Businesses, or some other Country, prove to be detrimental to America's working people. Every day, they are in session, our corrupt Politicians continue to cede more and more tax breaks, money, to the World’s Richest.
Medical Cartels and Drug Companies, with their unchallenged power, have manipulated our US Government into giving them a license to rob us. Some of the very same drugs you are buying at your pharmacy can be bought in other countries for as little as ten percent of what you are paying for them. If our Pharmaceutical Retail Companies were allowed to shop for drugs on the World market, we could buy all of our drugs, on average, for about twenty-five percent of what we are now being gouged. Now the Politicians, owned by the Drug Companies, will scream: “Oh we couldn’t do that. We would have no quality control.” That falsehood has been their argument for decades, and it has worked, has kept us from importing reasonable priced drugs. But it is a scam. We could, easily hire enough competent inspectors, and have all imported drugs checked for quality. Foreign Manufacturers would be glad to pick up the costs. I hope you believe there is a dire connection between America’s reduced longevity, poor infant survival, and our Drug Cartels insatiable greed.
Sad to say, but the Medical Cartels and Drug Companies, with their unchained power, are not the worst villains when it comes to manipulating our US Government into giving them a license to steal from us. The International Oil and Gas Conglomerates, the Interstate Utility Companies, Railroad Cartels, automobile and airplane manufacturing companies, the Cable Companies, International Shipping Cartels and a score of other business concerns all wield as much or more power over our Congress, Senate and President, than do the drug companies. All Big Business Conglomerates are our real enemy. Big Business Graft controls both our National and State Governments, and Big Business Graft is the real reason America is losing ground on all fronts, the reason America is slowly, but steadily, sliding into mediocrity.
The companies mentioned above, along with a hoard of other mighty forces, including a score of Internationally Recognized Countries, like North Korea, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and a dozen more, funnel billions of dollars annually into Washington, and oblige our Republican and Democratic Party Leaders to legislate on their behave. And nearly all graft, creates legislation, harmful to us, harmful to the middle class.
I believe most people in America, old enough to vote, know that corruption is flourishing in our Nation's Capital. Yet incredibly, this knowledge seems to generate very little real concern, when it should dramatically alarm every American. The insatiable greed, of Billionaire Conglomerates, and Millionaire Manipulators, is like a growing cancer, sucking the life-blood out of our Nation. Even if we could elect legislators, which prudently budgeted America's great wealth: It would still take our children, forty years to pay off the incredible debts, we have recklessly accumulated. We must take the power away from Washington’s Political Cartels, to the extent that it enables our elected representatives to vote the way we tell them to vote: Or in another dozen years you are not going to be able to tell the difference between Washington and the corrupt Government of Mexico, or for that matter, tell the difference between Mexico and America.
You're still not concerned? Well let me relate one more fact: If America's lenders get nervous, and start cutting off our credit, our government will disintegrate, beyond resurrection, in a year, or two. Soup-lines, power outages, riots, fires, violence, hunger and sickness will become the miserable end; of what was once the greatest Nation on Earth, the United States of America.