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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

VATI [means] Vote Against The Incumbants

I speak to a deaf World: And cannot get her ear. Our American Electorate is obviously not only deaf, but also dumb. Not dumb as being speechless, but dumb like; stupid. It has been claimed that the epitome of insanity, is eagerly anticipating some desperately wanted result, as you try something over and over and over again, which invariably ends in the some other, unwanted result.

For over fifty years now, the American Electorate has been shuffling off to the poles, like puppets on a string, to vote against that other, evil party, so their wonderful party, could fix all that is wrong with America. And for fifty years America has been slipping slowly but steadily deeper and deeper into mediocrity. Do you note a hint of similarity between these phenomena?

The majority of our Congressmen and Senators have absolutely no fear of being knocked off of their lofty perches. They know that party loyalty of their constituency [be it Democrat or Republican] will assure their perpetual re-election. In the whole Senate you are likely to have only about a dozen seats [less than three or four dozen in the Congress] which are not securely locked-up by one, or the other, political parties.

The worse things get in America: The more the electorate hates that other evil party, the one they blame for all that is wrong with our country. Americans no longer vote for their party because they love, trust, or even like, their candidates. They vote because their Party has them fired up, full of hate, brain-washed to the point, they despise the other party. Washington Politicians know they could not get twenty percent of their Electorate out to vote for them because they love them. America goes to the polls to vote against those, which we have been convinced are deliberately trying to ruin this country; against those we have been programmed, to hate.

When is Our Electorate going to realize that neither replacing a Democrat with a Republican, nor a Republican with a Democrat, [nor either with an Independent], is ever going to change one thing in Washington? Our Democracy is broke, and our Government is, ever more rapidly, self-destructing.

The Political Party Lords control the Pac-money. And the Pac-money is what decides who will get elected, or heaven forbid, smeared. And thereby, the leaders of the Democratic and Republican Parties, in the Congress and Senate, now have more control over their subservient Congressman and Senators, than any Marine General has over his troops. The political bosses can’t just walk down on the floor and tell a Congressman or Senator; that they are fired. But they can have anyone that fails to kowtow to the powers that be, ostracized, rendered powerless, and kept busy doing nothing deemed important. And the Party Lords can definitely, by juggling the Pac-money, keep anyone from being re-elected.

It is very important that we all understand how the Political Party Lords exercise strict control over our Congressmen and Senators. There is no way fifty plus Senators in either party, voting their conscience, are going to, except very, very rarely, vote the same way, let alone continuously vote in lock-step. The Party Lords, beholding to their Pac-Money Donors, order the other Senators how to vote. And folks, that is not how a Democracy works. Washington is presently being operated as a full-fledged Bureaucracy.

There is absolutely nothing gained when we do occasionally manage to send a new representative to Washington. In short: They arrive in Washington full of patriotism, and eager to perform great deeds, for their country. Then they get introduced to the powerful Party Lords, and Pac-money, and end up cuddling up to the Big Contributors, and voting the party line; for legislation that benefits the World’s Conglomerates, to the detriment of their constituency, to the detriment of America. They simply get gobbled up by the system.

Some claim that mighty Rome fell: While greedy, self-centered Roman Senators set around arguing about who was at fault, and how they were going to divvy up the spoils. Do not believe that self-serving Washington Bureaucrats cannot bleed this country beyond the point of no-return. We could already be there: We cannot now recover from our rapidly expanding, monstrous debt, unless we, the Electorate, usurp the powerful Politicians presently in power, and reestablish a sane Democracy, which is an arm of the People, and functions for the People.

Be warned: Your egotistical, self-serving, Legislators will likely attempt to thwart any election, which might strip them of their power. And please believe: Even the United States of America, the greatest nation that has ever existed on this Earth, could fall from within, if we continue to allow our money-hungry politicians, grant favor after favor, to anyone who is able and willing to pay for preferential treatment.

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